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Nawra Flower Arrangement

Nawra Flower Arrangement

A beautiful, unique arrangement of pink mixed flowers. Enjoy this stunning arrangement in your home or send it to a loved one. Order by 5 pm for same-day delivery


Plaza Hollandi Orange, yellow and white flower arrangement

A beautiful orange, yellow and white flower arrangement that would suit any interior.

Kendrick Flower Arrangement

Purple and yellow flower arrangement

A beautiful bright flower arrangement of yellow and purple flowers with roses, cymbidium orchids, yellow tulips, wax flower, hypericum and eryngium arranged in a handmade wooden box.

Mai Flower Arrangement

Plaza Hollandi Flower Arrangement

This stunning unique flower arrangement is designed using pink, purple and white flowers. Order by 5 pm for same day delivery.

Meera Rose Flower Bouquet

Meera Rose Flower Bouquet

A lively bouquet with red roses, purple limonium, and green foliage. The Meera Flower Bouquet celebrates color and life, conveying joy and vitality. It combines the passionate allure of red roses with the mystique of purple limonium and lush greenery.

Peach Spray Roses Basket

Peach Spray Roses Basket

The Peach Spray Roses Basket offers a delicate and charming arrangement of peach-colored spray roses, presented in a lovely basket, perfect for adding a touch of sweetness and elegance to any occasion.

Orange Roses Bouquet

Orange Roses Bouquet

Vibrant and lively, this bouquet features stunning orange roses, radiating joy and warmth with their vibrant hues and cheerful blooms.

Amelia Hatbox Flower Arrangement

Plaza Hollandi hat box with pink, flowers and foliage

A stunning vibrant flower arrangement filled with pink flowers and foliage in our signature hatbox. Filled with hydrangea, eustoma, spray rose, wax flower, tulips and pink ranunculus and mixed foliage. Order by 5 pm for same day delivery.

Victoria Flower Arrangement

Victoria Flower Arrangement

Royal Elegance in a Pot: Purple roses, white eustoma, pink wax flowers, and eryngium blossoms make a majestic arrangement. Fit for royalty, this masterpiece is a true work of art.

Purple Spray Roses Bouquet

Purple Spray Roses Bouquet

The Purple Spray Roses Bouquet is a stunning arrangement showcasing the beauty of delicate purple spray roses, adding elegance and charm to any setting with their vibrant hue and graceful blooms.

A Perfect Basket Arrangement

A Perfect Basket Arrangement - Plaza Hollandi

This beautiful unique flower arrangement is full of pink, white, purple, and green flowers arranged in a basket.


phalaenopsis orchid flower arrangement

A beautiful arrangement of pink peonies, pink bouvadia, pink hydrangea, hypericum, eryngium and eucalyptus arranged around a dark purple phalaenopsis plant in a ceramic pot.

Anapam Flower Arrangement

Pink and white flower arrangement in a basket

A beautiful flower arrangement of pink and white flowers arranged in a handmade basket.  Made with roses, bouvardia, statice, eustoma, astilbe and mixed foliage.

Peach Spray Roses Bouquet

Peach Spray Roses Bouquet

A graceful ensemble of peach spray roses, embodying charm and sophistication. This delicate bouquet is a lovely expression of admiration, perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any occasion.

Mixed Flowers Basket Arrangement

Mixed Flowers Basket Arrangement

The Mixed Luxurious Roses and Delicate White Eucalyptus Arrangement exudes elegance with its vibrant roses and white eucalyptus leaves, perfect for any occasion.


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